The Job Search 2022-2023 – WTF!

The job search? To borrow a word from Ms. Clinton…deplorable!

I’ve had the misfortune of looking for a new job many times in my career. It seems that it gets progressively worse each time. My current search is by far the worst yet.

The whole process is designed to provide as little interaction and feedback as possible. I often joke that I’d have better luck throwing my resume in the street and hope that someone finds it and says, “I could use someone like this!” I believe the odds would be better.

The process today is that you complete an online job application, attach your resume and (sometimes) a cover letter and then wait…and wait…and wait. Statistically 60% of the organizations will never reply to your submission…nothing, nada, zippo! Hello McFly! This is extremely disrespectful to candidates and sends a clear message that the company could care less despite its virtue signaling on their website.

Over the coming weeks I will write about my experiences during the many phases of the job search and the complete failures of companies and so-called “Talent Acquisition” professionals. LOL, now that’s an oxymoron…most have little to no “talent” and can’t define the word professional.

I know that my experiences are not unique to me; they are shared by all job seekers in this market. So, sit back and get ready to remove that “what am I doing wrong” feeling that you’ve been carrying around. It’s not you…the process is broken, and companies are either ignorant to it or arrogant!